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How Lawtrades Went From Struggling with Scalable Outbound to Booking Meetings in 2 Weeks...

...With AI Personalized Email Campaigns

Who is Lawtrades and what do they do?

Lawtrades offers a platform to access world class legal talent on demand with a Netflix-like subscription payment model.

Legal counsels of startups, Fortune 500 companies, tech business, and other medium to large sized companies.

Biggest win for Lawtrades

"The biggest win was putting so much of our outbound on autopilot. Within two weeks, we were booking meetings, and we didn’t have to worry about the infrastructure or the technical side of things anymore. It freed up our team to focus on what we do best—winning deals and delighting customers. Plus, the personalization at scale that Wyngman set up really helped us stand out in front of very sophisticated buyers."

What situation was Lawtrades in?

"Before Wyngman, we had trouble setting up scalable outbound campaigns. We didn’t have the infrastructure in place to personalize at scale, and we were worried about things like deliverability and open rates. It took forever to get a campaign off the ground, and our account executives were spending way too much time on it instead of focusing on closing deals. We needed someone to own that function and get us up and running quickly without pulling our team away from what really matters."

What was the challenge?

Lawtrades is reaching out to a very sophisticated audience of high profile companies.

They receive a ton of emails daily, 5-15 aren't uncommon.

So we had to make sure to stand out from the competition with a message that grabs their attention and bridges the gap between what Lawtrades' legal talent platform and the prospect's business needs.

How did we solve it and got them to booked meetings within 2 weeks?

First we dialed in a messaging that spoke to the sophisticated audience like Legal Counsels.

Next we needed gap the bridge between their business needs and Lawtrades' legal talent platform.

We used 2 approaches here:

a) Letting the AI research latest news or events about the prospects company that might require temporary additional legal support, and...
b) Having AI check if the company is currently hiring for any legal positions and offer Lawtrades as a support system, while they're filling the position longterm.

Both strategies allowed Lawtrades secure their first meetings after only 2 weeks by standing out from the competition with highly personalized emails on scale that justified being sent in the first place in the prospect's mind.

How Did Lawtrades Get Started With Our AI Outbound Systems?

Before we got anything going for Nikos, Jon and their team, we performed a market audit and performance forecast for them.

This way we could show them very realistic numbers in terms of how many interested leads can be generated through our AI outbound systems, what process can be automated, and they knew what to expect.

You can get such an audit and performance forecast for your offer when you hit the button below.

When pressing the button, you'll be booking a date 2-3 days in advance to discuss the results of your forecast.

With the booking you'll also receive a quick questionnaire so we can understand your market better.

What do you sell?
How does it help?
Who do you sell it to?

With this information we’ll perform the free forecast for you.Only if the numbers look and we know it will be profitable for you, then we’ll confirm your booked date and hop on a call together.

Grab My Performance Forecast
*If it turns out the numbers don't give us confidence that this will work for you,
we'll still provide you with a free list of leads.


If your industry has an email to contact, is in need of what you offer and is business to business in nature, it’s a likely yes. We’ll do a performance forecast to make sure the market is reachable and of the right size but there’s only one way to know for sure and that’s to do the thing.

The first 2-3 weeks will be a patience period. This is the foundation of all future campaigns so you want it to be done right. During this period we’ll be setting up your customized tech stack, creating new domains and warming up the necessary email accounts (the emails have a mandatory minimum warm up period of two weeks to insure deliverability). During this time we’ll be working with you on the messaging to make sure it resonates with your audience. Typically by the end of week 3 the campaigns will begin and we will ramp up as time goes on.